
Cuckoo (2012-)

Season 1

After picking up their daughter Rachel from the airport, a British family is unexpectedly introduced to their daughter’s new American husband: Cuckoo, a homeless, jobless, drug-loving, hippy. Soon they find out that the newly weds plan on moving in with them. After the initial shock, Cuckoo becomes more involved and entwined with the Thompson family and he begins to grow on them; while the viewer finds out episode by episode that the oh-so-bland Thompsons also have their own flaws 🙂




Season 2

Taking place two years after season 1, we learn that Cuckoo has died in an outdoor accident. Out of blue, the Thompson’s inquire a new visitor, a young American claiming to be Cuckoo’s son Dale. The Thompson’s take him in due to his incanting similarities to Cuckoo, fearing that the too friendly and gullible stranger will die in the outside world by himself.

One flew the cuckoo's nest … the new Dale (Taylor Lautner) with Ken (Greg Davies).

Cuckoo’s son Dale with Mr.Thompson

Season 1 of Cuckoo was one of the best new comedy shows I’d seen in the past few years and I was really excited about it. Andy Samberg (known from Brooklyn 99) played Cuckoo and did an all around amazing job, definitely being the core of the show’s amusement. Unfortunately, I cannot say the same for the second season. Cuckoo’s son Dale is played by Taylor Lautner and to my mind is not living up to the Cuckoo standards. The Character of Dale is not believable enough and gives the humor a slapstick element that feels a bit outdated and incoherent with the direction of the first season’s jokes.

Nonetheless I do urge you to give both seasons a try, since unlike most shows they differ quite a bit. On the various online message boards most people either like the one or the other, but maybe you can enjoy both equally- If so, let me know in the comment section below.


My Rating: 7+/10

IMDb- Cuckoo


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