
Nathan For You (2013-)

Nathan Fielder graduated from “one of Canada’s top business schools” and to apply his knowledge he goes around “helping” small businesses in the U.S.. Nathan considers himself somewhat of a business expert and he has many new and doubtlessly unique ideas for how some small businesses can increase their profits and step up their game. Nathan “helps out” all different types of company’s, from gas stations and burger joints, to boutique stores, maid cleaning services, and horseback riding farms, there is no limit as long as they are not doing as well as they could be.


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Every episode Nathan takes on one, two companies, approaching them with his plan to improve their business. Many of the business owners seem weary but are willing to give it a try. Unfortunately  most are back to square one after Nathan’s intervention and some are left with even bigger problems to solve. In all fairness though Nathan rarely asks for anything in return for his business expertise and always acts with best intentions .


What better way to bring in more customers to your froyo shop than to add a new poo flavor?

One thing Nathan did not seem to learn in business school is social dynamics. He is one of the most socially awkward people I’ve seen on TV, watching him interact with people will make you cringe and laugh hysterically, it’s half the fun of the show. No friend or acquaintance of Nathans has ever been introduced or mentioned, it’s always just him alone on his adventures and the few instances when he tries to befriend the business owners he’s trying to help.


Nathan at work

So far there are 3 seasons of Nathan For You out, the show started in 2013 on Comedy Central. I loved seasons 1 and 2, but season 3 was a bit too overdone in my opinion. Most of Nathan’s business ideas in seasons 1 and 2 are funny and quite logical although strange, whilst the plans in season 3 are just plain weird.


Nathan’s plan in action

Nathan For You is very entertaining for anyone with a taste for the absurd and really offers a whole new kind of comedy.

It is a mockumentary that will appeal to fans of “The Office”,”Review” and “Adam Ruins Everything”.


My Rating: 8-/10

IMDb- Nathan For You


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