
Big Time in Hollywood, FL (2015)

My rating: 9/10

IMDb- Big Time in Hollywood, FL

Big Time in Hollywood, FL is one of my favorite comedy series of 2015. It wraps adventure, crime, and comedy all into one fantastically funny and ridiculous story. Brothers Ben and Jack Dolfe are unemployed and living at home with their parents in Hollywood Florida when the show begins. Seeing as the boys are in their 30s, their parents suggest that they find their own place; this triggers a series of literally insane events that make up the basis of the show. I don’t want to give it away but let’s just say it involves rehab, a murder and a monkey. Of course, if it weren’t Ben and Jack in this situation, none of these things could happen so let me tell you a little bit more about Ben and Jack Dolfe.

Zoolander in big time

Jack and Ben’s best friend Del being held at (fake) gunpoint by Ben Stiller


Ben and Jack have dreamt of being big time film producers their entire lives, the walls in their room- yes which they still share- are covered with movie posters from the films they’ve produced in their parent’s basement. Although Ben and Jack are relatively motivated and skilled at directing and producing movies, their hobby hasn’t brought them any return and their dream has blinded them from pursuing any other career options. Hence, at the age of 30 the two brothers have hardly any education or work experience, are financially dependent on their parents and are still dreaming of making it big in the film industry.


Jack Dolfe (left) and Ben Dolfe (right)


Alex Anfanger, playing Jack, is also the writer and producer of Big Time Hollywood, FL. The development of every situation in the show is very smart and creatively written; there are few predictable moments for the viewer. I always enjoy watching shows that are acted and written by the same person since to my mind it always results in a more genuine and unique character, and an overall atmosphere and storyline that’s more authentic and well rounded.

Monkey Largo

Jack Dolfe in action, creating the directors cut of his new film Monkey Largo


Big Time Hollywood, FL is a rare find, I’ve hardly seen anything like it. If I were to compare it something then I’d say it’s like a funnier version of “Mad Dogs” UK. The comedy crime genre is one of my favorites despite that it’s also one of the hardest to find a good movie or film in, but I can guarantee that Big Time Hollywood, FL is one of the best comedy crime shows out there today.

Unfortunately Comedy Central has decided to cancel this series so a new series will not be coming out, but I promise it’s worth a watch 🙂 let me know what you think


Jack and Ben rushing into their parent’s house with strippers and 1M$ cash to tell them the news of their new film Monkey Largo

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